In The Coach Approach to School Leadership, Jessica Johnson, Shira Leibowitz, and Kathy Perret address a dilemma faced by many principals: how to function as learning leaders while fulfilling their evaluative and management duties.

The answer? Incorporating instructional coaching techniques as an integral part of serious school improvement.  

The authors explain how principals can

Master the skill of "switching hats" between the nonjudgmental coach role and the evaluative supervisor role.
Expand their classroom visits and combine coaching with evaluation requirements.
Nurture relationships with teachers and build a positive school culture.

And more...
Justin Baeder
Director, The Principal Center

"The Coach Approach to School Leadership casts a compelling, elegant, and even beautiful vision for leading learning.

It presents an ambitious yet workable approach to managing the central paradox of the principalship, showing how we can wear the "coaching hat" as often as possible, while holding staff to high standards.
Essential reading for every school leader."

—Justin Baeder

Director, The Principal Center
