Monday, January 24
Session 1 - Digital Tasks
Monday, January 31
Session 2 - Digital notes & digital documents
Monday, February 7
Session 3 - Productivity treasure chest (digital calendar, email, automation)
What would life look like if you truly had a handle on your digital tools and information?
How much easier could you function in your job and your personal life if those digital tools worked together?
What if you could quit worrying about finding things and have a simple way to put your hands on what you need immediately?
The truth is most people are overwhelmed by the amount of digital information in their lives. They are looking for simplicity. What about you?
Get Organized Digitally!: The Educator's Guide to Time Management was just released. It's written by Dr. Frank Buck. He is a long-time school administrator who has more than two decades of experience writing and speaking on organization and time management.
The Principal Center is partnering with Frank to bring you a three-session book study.
Monday, January 24
Session 1 - Digital Tasks
In the first session, you'll learn how to take everything you have to do and put it in a digital task list.
Monday, January 31
Session 2 - Digital notes & digital documents
In the second session, you'll learn how to harness the information that's important to you.
Monday, February 7
Session 3 - Productivity treasure chest (digital calendar, email, automation)
In the third session, you'll unlock your digital treasure chest.
In these three sessions, you'll see Frank demonstrate what you're reading in the book. You'll be able to practice as you learn. You'll have access to the author and be able to ask questions about your specific situation.
Life doesn't have to be as hard as we sometimes make it. Life got hard enough on its own over these last two years. Had it not been for technology, many of us wouldn't have had school...at all...during most of 2020 and a good share of 2021. For all the pain we felt, a few points of light emerged:
Doesn't it makes sense to seize the moment and up our own game with our digital tools?

Get Organized Digitally! is packed with stories.
- Stories of people who faced challenges.
- Stories of people who harnessed technology tools (most of them free) to make life easier.
- Stories of people who did the best they could with what they had...and discovered that today, what we have is way better.
Grab your copy of Get Organized Digitally!
- You can purchase from the publisher (Routledge) Use coupon code ESBAC and receive a 20% discount through the end of January.
- You can purchase from Amazon. If you like digital books, you can even get the Kindle version and have it within seconds.
Meet Frank

Frank Buck is a veteran school leader with a career in education spanning almost 30 years as a teacher, band director, and principal. Dr. Buck has spoken to audiences throughout the United States and internationally.
His mission is to help busy professionals achieve total control over their time and the peace of mind that nothing is falling through the cracks. He currently serves as a writer, speaker, and coach in the areas of organization, time management, and productivity. “Global Gurus Top 30” ranked Dr. Buck #1 in the “Time Management” category three years running.