Get Lifetime Access To Everything We Offer
Navigator is our highest level of membership at The Principal Center, including permanent access to all of our programs and tools, including Repertoire.
What's Included

The Professional Writing App for Instructional Leaders

Take all of your walkthrough & observation notes in one place, with timestamps, teacher evaluation criteria, and reusable templates

Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification
The Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification Program allows you to demonstrate your ability to provide effective instructional leadership—particularly through evidence-based, framework-linked feedback conversations with teachers.
You'll receive:
- Individualized support and feedback on your work
- Portfolio review and assessment
- Signed certificate upon completion of certification requirements
Course Content
Module 1
Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthroughs
Module 3
Evidence-Driven Feedback Conversations for Changing Teacher Practice
Module 2
Productivity Systems for Confidently Getting Into Classrooms Every Day
Module 4
Discovering Your Best Opportunities for School Improvement

Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification
The Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification Program allows you to demonstrate your ability to provide effective instructional leadership through the formal evaluation process
You'll receive:
- Individualized support and feedback on your work
- Portfolio review and assessment
- Signed certificate upon completion of certification requirements
Module 1
Goal-Setting for Teacher Growth
Module 3
Evidence-Driven Formal Observations
Module 2
Instructional Frameworks as Growth Pathways
Module 4
Rating Teacher Performance & Writing Airtight Final Evaluations with GSIR

Lifetime Instructional Leadership Association Membership

Turnover Protection™ for Teams
Even if you have turnover on your team, everyone will have access to all of our tools and programs. If a member of your group departs, we'll create a new seat for your new hire at no additional charge.
Plus, the departing staff member can keep their access and Repertoire account. We call it Turnover Protection™, and it allows you to invest with confidence in your team's professional growth.
FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions
All of them—Navigator membership is a one-time purchase that includes lifetime access to all Principal Center programs, including:
- The Instructional Leadership Association, including the Repertoire app—a $3,996 value
- The Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification Program—a $1999 value
- The Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification Program—a $1999 value
- All other current and future Principal Center programs
No, this is a one-time purchase. You'll gain access to everything we offer, forever, with nothing else to buy.
Navigator is our all-inclusive, highest level of membership. Any new programs we may offer in the future will be included at no additional cost.
Get Lifetime Access