
Steve Peha

Author, Be a Better Writer: For School, For Fun, For Anyone Ages 10-16.

About Steve Peha

Steve Peha has been writing about writing for over 20 years. He has worked with thousands of writers, young and not-so-young, through Teaching That Makes Sense, the company he founded in 1995 to provide high-quality educational training and innovative learning materials. In 2007, he won the Independent Publishers Award Gold Medal in Young Adult Nonfiction for the first edition of Be a Better Writer.

Listen to Steve Peha discuss Be a Better Writer: For School, For Fun, For Anyone Ages 10-16 on Principal Center Radio

 Justin Baeder, PhD.

 Director, The Principal Center 

About The Presenter

Justin Baeder, PhD. is Director of The Principal Center, creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, and author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership.