
Table of Contents

Module 1: How Instructional Leaders Drive Improvement

Module 1 Audio Review

Module 1 Journal

Module 1 Transcript

Welcome & Overview

What Is Instructional Leadership?

The High-Performance Instructional Leadership Model

"Getting Into Classrooms" When You Can't Get Into Classrooms

Module 2: Evidence-Driven Instructional Leadership

Module 2 Audio Review

Module 2 Journal

Module 2 Transcript

Why “Evidence-Driven” Instructional Leadership?

Drawing From Richer Sources of Evidence

The Iceberg: Visible & Hidden Aspects of Teacher Practice

Observability Bias

Curator, Docent, and Other New Roles for Teachers

15 Evidence-Based Questions for Feedback on Virtual Teaching

Module 3: Leading Learning Through Professional Conversation

Module 3 Audio Review

Module 3 Journal

Module 3 Transcript

Why Conversation Is What Really Changes Practice

The Feedback Sandwich

The 3 Participants in Every Evidence-Driven Conversation

Structured Cycles of 1:1 Conversations

Agendas for 1:1 Cycles of Conversations With Teachers

3 Roles Instructional Leaders Play in Feedback Conversations

Using Evidence-Based Conversations to Reveal the Whole Iceberg

Module 4: Developing Instructional Frameworks

Module 4 Audio Review

Module 4 Journal

Module 4 Transcript

What Are Instructional Frameworks?

Qualitative Rubrics and Their Inferior Substitutes

Making Frameworks More Specific

Levels of Performance In Instructional Frameworks

3 Key Moments to Use Framework Language

Finding The Best Opportunities To Use & Develop Frameworks

The Instructional Framework Development Program

Module 5: Creating Bandwidth for Instructional Leadership

Module 5 Audio Review

Module 5 Journal

Module 5 Transcript

What Does Bandwidth For Instructional Leadership Mean?

Budgeting Mental Energy With The Daily Scorecard

Parkinson’s Law: Getting More Done In Less Time

Making Time For Informal Classroom Visits

Making Time For 1:1 Phone Conversations With Staff

Module 6: Aligning Teacher Practice Organization-Wide

Module 6 Audio Review

Module 6 Journal

Module 6 Transcript

From Individual Improvement to Organizational Learning

Aligning Practice: Tight But Loose

Teacher Autonomy and Alignment

Your “Stop Doing” List: Pareto Satisficing

Give Your Feedback On The Virtual Instructional Leadership Challenge

Small favor—would you be willing to share your feedback and/or a brief testimonial? 

Record a 1-minute video by finishing these three sentences:

  • "I went through The Virtual Instructional Leadership Challenge because..." (what challenges were you facing with email?)
  • "The Challenge changed the way I..." (how did the program change your perspective or practice?)
  • "As a result, I..." (how do you feel? how is your day different?)

You can also respond in writing if you prefer.